Fear to Focus
Excerpted from Sharif Khan’s Hero Soul eZine on personal growth:
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself."
– Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States
In a global meltdown that has spawned a media frenzy which has all but crippled the masses with fear and panic, the world needs a strong leader like FDR who was able to successfully lead his country out of the Great Depression. Someone like Pope John Paul II who can say with steely resolve, “Be not afraid,” and mean it in every fiber of his being. And back it up with action!
How can we put fear behind us in these turbulent times and take back control of our lives?
With the Canadian Thanksgiving behind us and the American Thanksgiving just around the corner, perhaps its time to reflect on the things we can be truly grateful for in life and focus on our dreams instead of the mass hysteria that the media is fueling.
I’d like to propose a POWER WEEK focusing intensely on your goals and dreams with a significant scaling down of news broadcasts you watch and listen to.
While there’s no denying that there is a major downturn in the economy requiring a major adjustment, whatever we focus on expands. And for many of us, the media serves as our focusing lens. The problem is that the lens is focused longer and more often on the problem rather than the solution – to the point of such intensity that it burns a metaphoric hole in the collective heart of society.
Why not reclaim that power by focusing your time and energy on how to achieve your dreams?
I’m not advocating tuning out of all news and becoming indifferent to the problems of the world. I’m just recommending turning down the volume of doom and gloom and turning up the volume of the desired outcomes you want out of life.
You can ‘turn down the volume’ by significantly reducing the amount of time you spend watching and listening to the news on TV and radio. I subscribe to the NY Times headline news that comes into my email inbox everyday. It’s customized to my preferences and I can scan the important news quickly without having to spend hours getting emotionally carried away by some news broadcaster telling me how bad the economy is.
Likewise, I use my commute time wisely spending a large portion of my time listening to educational audio programs or classical music and instrumental jazz – instead of negative song lyrics and repeat news flashes.
The constant negativity in the news can make the bright imagery of our dreams fade away into dull grays. To ‘turn up the volume’ of your dreams, intensify the sights, sounds, tastes, smells, feelings, and colors as you visualize yourself every morning and evening doing what you’ve always dreamed of doing – as if it were happening right now.
During your POWER WEEK, I’d like to suggest getting up every morning and writing down your most important goal (in the present tense as if you are already enjoying it) at least 7 to 10 times with focus and concentration.
You may wish to write this goal down on a small card that you can look at throughout the day. I also recommend spending a few minutes in the shower every morning to reflect on everything you have to be grateful for in life and ‘bathing’ in these good feelings if you will.
The point is to use whatever personal growth methods you feel most comfortable with to make this your best POWER WEEK ever!
If you’re looking for an extra boost to help undo the negativity that may have creeped into your system in the past few months, then I highly recommend attending NY Times Bestselling Author, T. Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive * which includes a new segment focused specifically on how to be successful in today’s economy: Millionaire Mind Intensive (click on the link for a preview or to register).
* Note: Seating is limited on a first come, first served basis. Your reference number is: 215975
This is an awesome event that will help raise your prosperity consciousness in turbulent times!
P.S. There is also the Millionaire Mind Teleseminar that you can listen to as another option:
Millionaire Mind Teleseminar
To your prosperity and success!
Sharif Khan
Writer, Consultant, Author of Psychology of the Hero Soul
An inspirational leadership book on awakening the hero within
(As mentioned in Reader's Digest, USA Today, Toronto Sun)
This article has been excerpted from Sharif Khan's Hero Soul ezine on personal growth, leadership, and success. To subscribe now, visit: www.HeroSoul.com and click on the “newsletter” button.
Keywords: leadership, success, fear, focus, goals, concentration, dreams, news, personal, power, economy, crisis, meltdown, slow down, motivation, inspiration, author, writer, article, newsletter, gratitude, thanksgiving, imagination, millionaire mind, intensive, harv eker, peak potentials, training
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